2024 5th International Conference on Engineering Materials, Energy, Management and Control (MEMC 2024)


Conference Secretary:

 Editor Zhao

:188 7276 9577


:  Editor Mu

:  138 7214 2866

: 1157032680


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Prof. M, Karsten, University of Waterloo, Canada

Title: Developing advanced software and hardware methods for building intelligent machines


Prof. A. Sikora, Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Title: System development of value-added algorithms and protocols for wired and wireless embedded communication.


Prof. Z. Hussain, University of Bristol, UK

Title: Network security and wireless networking


More keynote speakers will be Announced shortly...


2024 5th International Conference on Engineering Materials, Energy, Management and Control Copyright © MEMC 2024. All Rights Reserved

Email: ICMEMC@163.com